Our History 

The Minds Untapped organization was founded in 2017 by successful entrepreneurs who recognized the scarcity of resources and opportunities available to people with disabilities.  They researched the existing challenges and contemplated the future. Rajiv and Bob recruited equally passionate problem-solvers to brainstorm solutions to address these complex issues. Together, the Minds Untapped group envisions many affordable solutions utilizing advanced technologies and clever design.


Our Founders


Ronald Ambar (Click for Bio)

Humberto Farias (Click for Bio)

Our Advisers

Minds Untapped is fortunate to have many advisers and friends to guide every aspect of our business. From overall approach to content details, marketing, and business, our advisers help us shape the Minds Untapped solutions for the biggest impact. We aim to change the world and these initial advisers are well-equipped to help us help people. Our group of official Advisers is still forming and includes: six parents, three parents of young adults with disabilities, one parent of a younger child with a disability, a self-advocate, a senior strategist and a sales/marketing pro among many other important characteristics.

Our official Board of Advisers no particular order:

Dr. Lisa B. Thomas

The Tagliareni Family

Marcy Allyn Rivers

Greg Schumann

Our Key Positions

Thankfully, we have strong, reliable, and trustworthy professionals in cornerstone positions for Minds Untapped:

Senior Director of Marketing and Communications, Terri Bernhardt